Monday, May 20, 2019

Coolest Pool Tile Options for 2019

Swimming pools are never out of fashion but are a perfect feature to any Australian patio. Undoubtedly it evokes luxury and swag like a pool or a Jacuzzi at home — it has got some aura about indulging in a hot/cold swim after a hectic day. Apart from being a great place to chill out, pools surely add visual treat and amplify the overall status of your home. Before you plan to make a small or an outdoor pool in your lush green garden take a dip in some of the coolest pool tiles options for 2019 that will burn others. Surely of envy!

Timber-look tiles
Timber look designs are the ones which has taken the designers for a ride. Although real timber is impossible to use, but there are porcelain tiles which ushers a “wooden appearance” and when combined tactfully by designers can create a magical effect. Timber-look tiles are the new emerging trend and have taken off in a great way.

Glass Pool Tiles
Glass pool tiles are tremendously gaining popularity. Over the last few years’ these pool tiles have given pool designs a new dimension altogether. There are endless varieties available with different colours, shapes and textures. Although they are pretty expensive but its worth the price. High the price is, higher will be the clarity, depth and color they provide. These tiles make your pool shine when sunlight strikes it. This gives an outstanding spectacular appeal.

Stone Tiles
If budget is your constraint you can happily choose tiles made of stone. Stone tiles provide a natural look and feel to your pool. Often people select them for pool deck as well. If you are planning to upgrade your backyard along with the pool, just go ahead with these stone tiles.

Colours and texture is what separates the stone tiles from the rest. A roughly polished granite tile is a popular choice for pools. The rustic look is not only a unique visual effect but also is very dearer to the pockets. You can clean them very easily with mild soap and they are heat resistant too.

Ceramic Tiles & Porcelain Tiles
For some time, ceramic and porcelain tiles have been a keen part of swimming pools. Unlike glass tiles these tiles are hand-made. Often very unique and textured version blends immaculately with the surrounding area. Not only this, ceramic tiles with some bold designs add that special punch and feel to the swimming pool.

Often designers choose to a special mixture of stone, glass and ceramic tiles to create a beautiful and smooth design.

Random Mosaic Tiles
Mosaic tiles have been an immortal design of the swimming pool since ages. You can always choose them without any inhibitions. They are quite easy to install and are always within budget. Any pattern can be followed for these tiles and they come out very well. If you are not too finicky about swimming pool tiles and also prefer to have a lasting design for your swimming pool, these mosaic tiles are the best you can go for. They never fade out of fashion and are always a beauty.

Natural Marble Tiles 
Add a luxurious touch in your swimming pool by putting in some natural marble tiles. Marble tiles have been a time-tested décor for swimming pools. It is famous for its grandeur and exclusive look and has been into constant evolve since last few years. Due to this it has gained a huge popularity amongst all. An expert selection of marble tiles will instantly transform your pool into an extravagance. These tiles are made from natural marble and are of great beauty.

Henceforth we can happily choose any of these pool tiles for upgrading our swimming pools or making new ones. Be sure that not only 2019 but even the coming years they will never cease to amaze. Without further digging just go and jump into one of these! Happy Swimming…

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