Monday, July 8, 2019

Choosing the Right Kitchen Tiles

Undoubtedly choosing tiles for your kitchen is very critical affair as it is the place which gets damaged pretty faster. The problem arises because often kitchen is the area which is very enclosed and tends to remain moist, which results in formation of moss and unwanted grime which gets collected on the tiles. Therefore we need to select the right material for the tiles so that they are durable, easy to clean and also look good. Here are some basic pointers which would not only guide to freeze on the best tile for your kitchen but also help you to design a more beautiful and functional abode.

Getting Start

Before you think of making the purchase always try to find out what is the area of your kitchen. Is it small or decently big, because often depending on the area of the kitchen you can actually select the size of the kitchen tiles.

Tile size

Big the tiles are bigger is the impression! Yes, if your kitchen is big enough you can happily go for bigger tiles as they add a special swag to your cooking area. Small-sized tiles generally are suitable for smaller kitchens.

Room size

Large tiles give a special illusion of feel larger and airy effect. Try to avoid using floor tiles on the walls as they make the space look very tenacious. Designing the area is also a part of it. The way to want to showcase your culinary court is up to you to decide. If your area is small you can go for large hard glaze tiles as they will make your area look larger.


Colours usher is the ultimate appeal to your kitchen. Kitchen is the area wherein we kind of relax and try to pep up our mood with some tongue tingling innovations. Therefore, keeping the colours light and bright is the tone of the day. Additionally, light colored tiles give a brighter effect making the kitchen look big and bright. You might also think of making contrast wherein you play with some vibrant and peppy colours.


Don’t underestimate the importance of selecting the right grout colour. A dissimilar grout will highlight the lines and design, whereas a grout in a correlative colour similar to the tile will induce a subtle effect. Don’t forget to check the sealing of your grouted areas, as these prevent staining and also prevents from damp.

Texture and pattern

Whether you select matt or polished finish is surely your personal choice. A glazed tile like porcelain or glass is so easy to clean and you can get it done by any DIY kits available in the market. On the other hand, a natural terracotta or a handmade tile has no glaze and therefore would require a good seal to prevent staining and damage.

There is no dearth of tiles of different materials to beautify your kitchen or may be simply upgrade it, but one thing needs to be right on top of the checklist is your prudence and knowledge about the various aspects discussed which would not only help you in making the right choice but will also be softer towards your pocket!

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