Monday, July 15, 2019

Design an Easy-Clean Bathroom

 bathroom tiles

A cool bathroom is one that looks and smells clean. A small cozy bathroom can be much more difficult to clean than a spacious one with minimalistic décor. Choosing design elements for your bathroom can be daunting when it comes to picking the right ideas that will last a lifetime. You need to think of the bigger picture in the longer run. Focus on your maintenance needs; do not get distracted by flashy elements that will take away a lot of time from your cleaning regime.

Designing an easy to clean bathroom is simpler than you think. Here are some factors that you must keep in mind while gearing up to design an easy-clean bathroom that also pleases the eye.

Pick your tiles carefully

Your bathroom floor tiles should complement your core design. Pick a style that blends easily with the clean, clutter-free space you are trying to create. More often than not, the size of floor tiles plays a key role in defining the overall look. Extremely small tiles might be your idea of quirky styling, but remember, smaller the tiles, the more grime it collects over time. Pick tiles that are slightly bigger so that it is easier to maintain a neat and clean bathroom.

Wall mounting comes in handy

When you leave enough space between your accessories and the bathroom floor, you are automatically making life much easier. A wall mounted toilet, additional cabinetries as well as wall mounted faucets will not have any awkward spaces that collect dirt and mould. You needn’t worry about toiling weekly to clean those nooks and crevices – just spray and wipe and you are good to go! Spend enough time browsing through options to get accessories matching or contrasting with your bathroom tiles – whichever looks cleaner and prettier aesthetically.

A Bathing area shining bright

Stand-alone bathtubs and non-glass showering areas are a great idea when it comes to designing an easy-clean bathroom. A bath that is attached to the wall will invariably mean hours of scrubbing through enclosures that can be avoided. A bath placed on the ground adds to the clean lines of your design structure. Glass is tough to maintain; get a shower alcove made with darker shades of concrete bathroom wall tiles that will hide the stains from everyday usage. Instead of a glass shower screen, you can choose to with a shower curtain – easier to clean and adding a touch of fabric is not a bad idea décor-wise!

Don’t let the grout win!

Save yourself hours of cleaning by simply picking a darker coloured grout. Or, you can do away with grout all together by picking concrete flooring and walls. Uniform concrete floors in bright unusual colours work wonders towards designing a great looking, squeaky-clean bathroom. Using back painted glass for bathroom walls is another trick to keeping your cleaning time minimal. Also popular are digital tiles with beautiful patterns that take the eye away from ugly grout. If texture is your style, before selecting, run your hands over the tiles to assess how easy or difficult it will be to keep them clean.

Create a ‘clean’ design

Who does not like an airy bathroom with lots of natural light! Choose a colour scheme that lights up your entire bathroom, however small the space might be. Pastel shades automatically make a space look bigger because they are constantly reflecting light. A clean bathroom design will best be acquired if the colours are in sync with the lighting, accessories, tiles and décor. Do not make hasty selections just because something ‘looks’ good!

Most people are crazy about creating a beautiful bathroom with porcelain tiles as much as any other space in their dream home construction/renovation. The idea is to keep calm and go through your options with ample time on your hands. Ultimately, it is not just about building the dream home; you also have to think about maintaining it as beautifully for as long as you live!

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