Monday, May 27, 2019

What Types of Tiles Are Easiest to Clean?

Cleaning dirty tiles is always cumbersome; and surely you never would like to have an awful looking washroom, kitchen or even your floor wherein we all love to put tiles. But while choosing the tile, you have to know which are the ones that could be cleaned easily and you could even DIY. Endless varieties are available in the market of different feel, look materials and designs. You decide on looking at these factors. Despite all these you need to keep one thing in mind – the cleaning and maintenance part of it. Surely none of us would like to have a bathroom, kitchen or floor tiles which not only looks stunning but is also easy to clean and maintain. Here listed below are some of the tile options which are not only gorgeous but also pretty easy to clean.

Glass Tile

One of the oldest tile material available in the market is glass. It has never ceased to amaze people since ages. It is very affordable and quite stylish. Glass tiles have been an integral solution of décor specifically for wall tiles; they are easy to install, and come in umpteen designs, shapes and colours. They are often transparent, opaque or translucent. One of the unique features of glass tiles is that they are scratch and stain resistant; they also keep moisture and humidity at bay. So homeowners can easily clean them without any hassle. Hence glass tiles are not only affordable but also easy to clean and you can blindly freeze on them.

Natural Stone Tile

Looking to punch something new in your home décor? Then undoubtedly you can go with natural stone tiles. These tiles are made from natural stones; their look and texture are sealed during making. If you are looking for a more natural look and feel in your bathroom, then natural stone tile will be a fantastic choice for you. This tile is made from natural stone and is sealed to resist scratches, mold, stains, and humidity. This makes it so easy to clean and maintain. This is one of the major reasons why stone tiles are always preferred when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.

Polished Porcelain Tile 

Porcelain tiles are always the mother of all tiles when it comes to cleanliness. Due to their smooth polished surface and immense ability to withstand strains and scratches, these tiles are very popular; just some mopping with a mild cleaner, and you are done. Sparkling tiles are what you have. Porcelain tiles are one of the best tiles which are very easy to clean.

Laminate Tile 

Cleaning is proven to be pretty simple when it comes to laminate tiles. Simple mopping for slight dirt and some mild detergent for a dirty laminate is required. You can simply get it from the local store and DIY. Frequent cleaning will make your work a cake-walk for sure. Hence laminate tiles are also great for bathrooms and kitchen wherein you need to clean them regularly.

Vinyl Tile

Again another option for tiles which can reduce your labor to a great extent is Vinyl Tile. These are easy to clean. In fact, any floor cleaner can be used to clean them. As they are tough on scratches and stains, so simple sweep and mop is sufficient to clean them. They come in variety of colours and textures and therefore are a good choice for all.

So now we can safely assume that tiles, which are having a polished and smooth surface are always easy to clean. The polished surface doesn’t allow the dirt and debris to get accumulated. Therefore, simple household cleaning and mopping is just enough to keep them clean. Also keep in mind whenever you are selecting tiles, always prefer the ones which have lesser grooves and uneven textures and surfaces. These are the ones wherein the sludge gets mounted and it becomes tough to clean.

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